Dear Patients,
the office will be closed from february 18 to 21.
In urgent cases from february 18 to 20 please contact Dr. Florian Huemer,
Phone: (01) 33 61 0620.
At february 21 please refer to Dr. Bettina Heindl, Phone: (01) 58 63 900.

Your respiratory specialist Marcel Rowhani

In depth discussion and close examination of your health status form the basis of my work with you.
I practise patient-centred medicine and shared decision making.

Qualifications and activities:

  • Specialist for lung diseases
  • Certified emergency physician
  • Palliative Care Specialist
  • Certified smoking cessation specialist
  • Diploma of ongoing training of the Austrian Chamber of Physicians
  • Treatment of uninsured patients in cooperation with AmberMed
  • Regular keynote speaker
    (at conferences and trainings on a variety of topics including asthma, COPD, infectious diseases, bronchoscopy, rehabilitation, palliative care and smoking cessation)
  • Lecturer
    at the Medical University of Vienna and Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg
  • Regular Lectures
    (on a range of medical topics including infectious diseases, asthma, COPD, bronchoscopy, rehabilitation, palliative care and smoking cessation)
  • Former Chief Consultant
    at Franziskusspital
  • Chairman of pulmonologists of Vienna
    Chairman of Austrian pulmonologists

My professional background:

  • After studying Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna I completed my training as a pulmonologist at the first internal pulmonological department of Otto Wagner Hospital, the Kaiserin Elizabeth Hospital and Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Ost in Vienna.
  • From 2012 to 2020 I worked at Franziskus Spital, where I was appointed chief pulmonological consultant in 2015.

    During this time we were able to establish new procedures at the department, including Endobronchial Sonography (EBUS), minimal invasive chest drain insertion, permcath implantation.

    In this period we were also able to increase the number of pulmonological beds, bronchoscopies, sleep lab positions and establish a post for a pulmonological resident.
