Dear Patients,
the office will be closed from february 18 to 21.
In urgent cases from february 18 to 20 please contact Dr. Florian Huemer,
Phone: (01) 33 61 0620.
At february 21 please refer to Dr. Bettina Heindl, Phone: (01) 58 63 900.

Quit smoking!

If you have followed this link, chances are you are part of the 55% of smokers who actually want to quit, or are at least considering it.

Congratulations! By stopping smoking you will improve your health and well-being in any case.

Welcome to individualized smoking cessation

The First Step

We will evaluate your respiratory health status. This will include a lung function test, a chest x-ray and possibly further tests.


In the course of three to six months, we will meet four times

  • First Visit: We will identify your ideal method of smoking cessation. A smoke-free life offers many advantages. You will smell and taste better and your endurance and overall health will improve.
  • Second Visit: This is it! You will commit to a stop-date. Why is it difficult to stop smoking, and why is it worth it? How to cope with withdrawal symptoms.
  • Third Visit: What have you achieved? What to do in case of a relapse? How can physical activity make quitting easier? We will look at everything that can support you on your way to becoming a non-smoker.
  • Fourth Visit: The hardest part is behind you. In this final visit we will focus on your smoke-free future. Relapses can be frustrating, but how to deal with them? Any plans or new projects? All the best!


  • € 100,- per unit (approx. 30 min)